First thing i'm gonna mention is the plans... when you order a set of plans from northwest canoe for the merlin, this is what you get: a 24"x24" piece of paper.*. but it is all you need. it's all right there. i think it's way cool that you can build a canoe from just this; sort of spells out the magic that is boat building.. Well, i ordered the plans for the merlin 38-special on tuesday, sept. 6th. ;d so now i know which canoe design i will build. i choose to build the strongback that is illustrated in the canoecraft book.. The merlin is a solo canoe built from plans. it is a nicely designed boat. the specs are similar to the merlin 2 except the merlin has no rocker and is 6 inches longer..
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Shop canoe plans - northwest canoe, start building today. you'll find canoe plans exclusive to northwest canoe like the original merlin plus hulls designed by john winters. northwest canoe distributes.. Merlin. builders corner. canoe building. kayak building. work shops. helpful links. paddle making. general. i started building my first canoe last november. i took a ton of pic's along the way. i used the canoe craft plans for the strongback. the book made it very easy telling you exactly what size pieces of wood to cut.. Wooden canoe heritage association plans for wood canoe construction. this is a list of plans that are currently available for the construction of wooden canoes of all types, including cedar/canvas, lapstrake and cedarstrip..
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