One sound-signaling device that meets the requirements set out in the collision regulations. pleasure craft over 20 m (65’7”) in length require a whistle (horn), and a fitted bell. all navigation lights meet the requirements set out in the collison regulations .. Follow these steps to anchor your pleasure craft. select an area to anchor with plenty of room. ideally, it should be a well-protected area with adequate water depth and a sandy or muddy bottom.. The operation of a pleasure craft is subject to several sets of legislation which govern everything from life jackets to required markings and rules to avoid collisions. the specific acts and regulations which pleasure craft operators need to concern themselves are: canada shipping act and the criminal code of canada.
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Choose an anchor that fits your pleasure craft and the boating conditions. the plow-style anchor is good for most pleasure craft and gets its holding power by plowing into bottom sediments. the fluke-style anchor (commonly referred to as danforth) is similar to the plow style but is more lightweight.. Canadian safe boating course. remains as a resource for all who boat on canadian waters—particularly experienced boaters who already have their pleasure craft operator card. (amended for canada) require all boats to carry a minimum of safety equipment. the size of the pleasure craft determines the equipment required.. Anchor "rode" can be cable, rope or chain. manual pumps require enough hose to pump water overboard, but are not required for a self-bailing sealed hull sailboat that cannot contain enough water to make the vessel capsize or a multi-hull vessel that has subdivided multiple-sealed hull construction..
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